The Advanced® Anoxomat™ System from ADVANCED INSTRUMENTS

Anoxomat™AN2CTS: A complete and unique system creating rapidly and automatically anaerobic, micro-aerophilic or capnophilic conditions in an anaerobic jar using a reliable automated evacuation/replacement method. It can create exact, repeatable conditions with gas mixtures that will always be within 0.5% of the required value. Due to the speed in which Anoxomat achieves the required conditions, recovery of micro-organisms cultivated in jars and processed by the Anoxomat system is superior to all other methods. Anoxomat provides excellent recovery of clinical bacteria such as Helicobacter spp., Bacteroides spp. and other strict anaerobes. The Anoxomat can also be a valuable tool in food and alcohol production, guaranteeing growth of Clostridium spp., Campylobacter spp., Megasphaera spp. and Pectinatus spp. The Anoxomat incorporates unique features that improve laboratory productivity:

  • Rapid- Complete anaerobiasis in less than 3 minutes for unmatched organism quality and recovery.
  • Cost efficient- Anoxomat low gas consumption, maintenance and minimal operating consumables ensure its return on investment over chambers and gasbags.
  • Quality Assurance Program- Performs leak tests, gas input test and confirms catalyst activity BEFORE incubation.
  • Data record- Optional User Traceability Program to document user ID, gas mixtures and patient information.
  • Automatic, one-button operation- Process jars while you continue to work and increase your laboratory’s efficiency.
  • Superior environments- Other methods are marred by disadvantages such as late discovery of faulty jars and gas packs, slow anaerobiasis and chemical waste.
  • Compact design- Large footprint chambers take up valuable lab space. Anoxomat is no bigger than a small microwave oven.

Real Time RNA Amplification & Detection System from TOSOH BIOSCIENCE

TRCReady®-80: The TRCReady®-80 is designed for fluorescence measuring applications in constant temperature to detect specific target RNA using Tosoh designated TRCR reagents. This combination of two technologies- TRCR reaction and INAF probe- achieves real-time, one step, rapid and efficient detection of RNA.

  • Easy and Fast- Fully automated sample purification, amplification and detection in 40 minutes. Two modules can be combined. Automatic assessment of measurement results.
  • Reliable – Real time RNA detection. Built-in internal amplification control. Utilises ready and single use reagents and disposables
  • Secure – Ready to use reagents and disposables. Single and sealed reagent cup dedicated to each test. Amplification and detaction step in a closed tube avoaiding contamination

TRCReady®MTB Kit: Rapid detection of M.tuberculosis complex for better patient management and outcome.

  • High sensitivity and specificity for 8 tests in 40 minutes
  • Reliability-16S rRNA target, internal amplification control, amplification and detection step in a sealed tube minimizing contamination.
  • Speed and Simplicity- Fully automated sample purification, amplification and detection. Ready to use, single use reagents and disposables. Automatic instrument, reagents and disposables positions checks
  • Flexibility- No need for batching, purified samples available for 2 runs, possibility to run only amplification and detection step