ANTISEL is pleased to have in its product portfolio LIFE TECHNOLOGIES innovative tools that enable a deeper understanding of the nature of gene regulation. These include knock down of gene expression (RNAi), micro RNA expression studies, analysis of epigenetic modifications, detection and quantification of DNA methylation etc.
Furthermore, we provide complete workflows for RNA isolation using automated and manual techniques, RNA transcription, RNA amplification, microarray analysis preparation and labeling, design and synthesis of siRNAs and unparallel throughput transcriptome analysis. To find out more information about the RNA complete workflows, please click here.
Specifically for miRNA research, from isolation through discovery, profiling, quantitation and validation to functional analysis, these tools enable researchers to address the fundamental questions about miRNA and realize the full potential of this new and exciting chapter in biological science.Within this field, we offer complete pre-designed and pre-validated miRNA profiling solutions allowing second to none speed and reliability in miRNA research from discovery to functional analysis
For details on above mentioned applications, please click here or here.